/*! * lhgcore dialog plugin v4.1.0 * date: 2012-01-11 14:07:00 * http://code.google.com/p/lhgdialog/ * copyright 2009-2012 lihuigang */ ;(function( $, window, undefined ){ var _ie = !!window.activexobject, _ie6 = _ie && !window.xmlhttprequest, _noop = function(){}, _count = 0, _link = null, _rurl = /^url:/, _box, onkeydown, _expando = '@dg' + (new date).gettime(), /*! * _path 获取组件核心文件lhgdialog.js所在的绝对路径 * _args 获取lhgdialog.js文件后的url参数组,如:lhgdialog.js?self=true&skin=aero中的?后面的内容 */ _args, _path = (function( script, i, me ) { var l = script.length; for( ; i < l; i++ ) { me = !!document.queryselector ? script[i].src : script[i].getattribute('src',4); if( me.substr(me.lastindexof('/')).indexof('lhgdialog') !== -1 ) break; } me = me.split('?'); _args = me[1]; return me[0].substr( 0, me[0].lastindexof('/') + 1 ); })(document.getelementsbytagname('script'),0), /*! * 获取url参数值函数 * @param {string} * @return {string||null} * @demo lhgdialog.js?skin=aero | _getargs('skin') => 'aero' */ _getargs = function( name ) { if( _args ) { var p = _args.split('&'), i = 0, l = p.length, a; for( ; i < l; i++ ) { a = p[i].split('='); if( name === a[0] ) return a[1]; } } return null; }, /*! 取皮肤样式名,默认为 default */ _skin = _getargs('skin') || 'default', /*! 获取 lhgdialog 可跨级调用的最高层的 window 对象和 document 对象 */ _doc, _top = (function(w) { try{ _doc = w['top'].document; // 跨域|无权限 _doc.getelementsbytagname; // chrome 浏览器本地安全限制 }catch(e){ _doc = w.document; return w; } // 如果指定参数self为true则不跨框架弹出,或为框架集则无法显示第三方元素 if( _getargs('self') === 'true' || _doc.getelementsbytagname('frameset').length > 0 ) { _doc = w.document; return w; } return w['top']; })(window), _root = _doc.documentelement, _$doc = $(_doc), _$top = $(_top), _$html = $(_doc.getelementsbytagname('html')[0]); /*! 开启ie6 css背景图片缓存 */ try{ _doc.execcommand( 'backgroundimagecache', false, true ); }catch(e){}; /*! 在最顶层页面添加样式文件 */ (function(link){ link.href = _path + 'skins/' + _skin + '.css'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; _link = link; _doc.getelementsbytagname('head')[0].appendchild(link); })(_doc.createelement('link')); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * lhgdialog 核心代码部分 */ var lhgdialog = function( config, ok, cancel ) { config = config || {}; if( typeof config === 'string' ) config = { content: config }; var api, setting = lhgdialog.setting; // 合并默认配置 for( var i in setting ){ if( config[i] === undefined ) config[i] = setting[i]; }; config.id = config.id || _expando + _count; // 如果定义了id参数则返回存在此id的窗口对象 api = lhgdialog.list[config.id]; if(api) return api.zindex().focus(); // 按钮队列 config.button = config.button || []; config.ok = ok || config.ok; config.cancel = cancel || config.cancel; config.ok && config.button.push({ name: config.okval, callback: config.ok, focus: true }); config.cancel && config.button.push({ name: config.cancelval, callback: config.cancel }); // zindex全局配置 lhgdialog.setting.zindex = config.zindex; _count++; return lhgdialog.list[config.id] = _box ? _box._init(config) : new lhgdialog.fn._init( config ); }; lhgdialog.fn = lhgdialog.prototype = { constructor: lhgdialog, _init: function( config ) { var that = this, dom, txt = config.content, isifr = _rurl.test(txt); that.config = config; that.dom = dom = that.dom || that._getdom(); // 定义属性opener为引当前加载页面的window对象 that.opener = window; that._style( config, dom, isifr ); that.title( config.title ) .content( txt, true, isifr ) .button( config.button ) .size( config.width, config.height ) .position( config.left, config.top ) .time( config.time ) [config.show?'show':'hide'](true) .zindex().focus(); config.lock && that.lock(); that._addevent(); that._ie6pngfix(); _box = null; // 假如加载的是单独页面的内容页config.init函数会在内容页加载完成后执行,这里就不执行了 if( !isifr && config.init ) config.init.call( that, window ); return that; }, /** * 设置标题 * @param {string, boolean} 标题内容. 为false则隐藏标题栏 * @return {this} 如果无参数则返回对象本身 */ title: function( text ) { if( text === undefined ) return this; var dom = this.dom, border = dom.border, title = dom.title[0], classname = 'ui_state_tips'; if( text === false ) { title.style.display = 'none'; title.innerhtml = ''; border.addclass(classname); } else { title.style.display = ''; title.innerhtml = text; border.removeclass(classname); }; return this; }, /*! * 设置内容 * @param {string} 内容 (如果内容前3个字符为‘url:’就加载单独页面的内容页) * @param {boolean} 是否为后增加的内容 * @param {boolean} 是否使用iframe方式加载内容页 * @return {this} 如果无参数则返回对象本身 */ content: function( msg, add, frm ) { if( msg === undefined ) return this; var that = this, dom = that.dom, wrap = dom.wrap[0], width = wrap.offsetwidth, height = wrap.offsetheight, left = parseint(wrap.style.left), top = parseint(wrap.style.top), csswidth = wrap.style.width, $content = dom.content, loading = lhgdialog.setting.content; // 假如内容中前3个字符为'url:'就加载相对路径的单独页面的内容页 if( frm ) { $content[0].innerhtml = loading; that._iframe( msg.split('url:')[1] ); } else $content.html( msg ); // 新增内容后调整位置 if( !add ) { width = wrap.offsetwidth - width; height = wrap.offsetheight - height; left = left - width / 2; top = top - height / 2; wrap.style.left = math.max(left, 0) + 'px'; wrap.style.top = math.max(top, 0) + 'px'; if( csswidth && csswidth !== 'auto' ) wrap.style.width = wrap.offsetwidth + 'px'; that._autopositiontype(); } that._ie6selectfix(); return that; }, /** * 自定义按钮 * @example button({ name: 'login', callback: function(){}, disabled: false, focus: true }, .., ..) */ button: function() { var that = this, ags = arguments, buttons = that.dom.buttons[0], focusbutton = 'ui_state_highlight', listeners = that._listeners = that._listeners || {}, list = $.isarray(ags[0]) ? ags[0] : [].slice.call(ags); $.each(list, function(i,obj){ var name = obj.name, isnewbutton = !listeners[name], button = !isnewbutton ? listeners[name].elem : _doc.createelement('input'); if( !listeners[name] ) listeners[name] = {}; if( obj.callback ) listeners[name].callback = obj.callback; if( obj.focus ) { that._focus && that._focus.removeclass(focusbutton); that._focus = $(button).addclass(focusbutton); that.focus(); } button[_expando + 'callback'] = name; button.disabled = !!obj.disabled; if( isnewbutton ) { button.type = 'button'; button.value = name; listeners[name].elem = button; buttons.appendchild(button); } }); buttons.style.display = list.length ? '' : 'none'; that._ie6selectfix(); return that; }, /** * 尺寸 * @param {number, string} 宽度 * @param {number, string} 高度 */ size: function( width, height ) { var that = this, dom = that.dom, wrap = dom.wrap[0], wrapstyle = wrap.style, style = dom.main[0].style; if( width ) { wrapstyle.width = 'auto'; if( typeof width === 'number' ) style.width = width + 'px'; else if( typeof width === 'string' ) style.width = width; if( width !== 'auto' ) // 防止未定义宽度的表格遇到浏览器右边边界伸缩 wrapstyle.width = wrap.offsetwidth + 'px'; } if( height ) { if( typeof height === 'number' ) style.height = height + 'px'; else if( typeof height === 'string' ) style.height = height; }; that._ie6selectfix(); return that; }, /** * 位置(相对于可视区域) * @param {number, string} * @param {number, string} */ position: function( left, top ) { var that = this, config = that.config, wrap = that.dom.wrap[0], isfixed = _ie6 ? false : config.fixed, ie6fixed = _ie6 && config.fixed, docleft = _root.scrollleft, doctop = _root.scrolltop, dl = isfixed ? 0 : docleft, dt = isfixed ? 0 : doctop, ww = _root.clientwidth, wh = _root.clientheight, ow = wrap.offsetwidth, oh = wrap.offsetheight, style = wrap.style; if( left || left === 0 ) { that._left = left.tostring().indexof('%') !== -1 ? left : null; left = that._tonumber(left, ww - ow); if(typeof left === 'number') { left = ie6fixed ? (left += docleft) : left + dl; style.left = math.max(left,dl) + 'px'; } else if(typeof left === 'string') style.left = left; } if( top || top === 0 ) { that._top = top.tostring().indexof('%') !== -1 ? top : null; top = that._tonumber(top, wh - oh); if(typeof top === 'number') { top = ie6fixed ? (top += doctop) : top + dt; style.top = math.max(top,dt) + 'px'; } else if(typeof top === 'string') style.top = top; } if( left !== undefined && top !== undefined ) that._autopositiontype(); return that; }, /*! 显示对话框 */ show: function( args ) { this.dom.wrap[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; if( !args && this._lock ) lhgdialog.lockmask.style.display = ''; return this; }, /*! 隐藏对话框 */ hide: function( args ) { this.dom.wrap[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; if( !args && this._lock ) lhgdialog.lockmask.style.display = 'none'; return this; }, /*! 关闭对话框 */ close: function() { var that = this, dom = that.dom, wrap = dom.wrap, list = lhgdialog.list, fn = that.config.close; that.time(); // 当使用iframe方式加载内容页时的处理代码 if( that.iframe ) { if( typeof fn === 'function' && fn.call(that, that.iframe.contentwindow, window) === false ) return that; // 重要!需要重置iframe地址,否则下次出现的对话框在ie6、7无法聚焦input // ie删除iframe后,iframe仍然会留在内存中出现上述问题,置换src是最容易解决的方法 $(that.iframe).unbind('load',that._fmload).attr('src','about:blank').remove(); dom.content.removeclass('ui_state_full'); if( that._frmtimer ) cleartimeout(that._frmtimer); } else { if( typeof fn === 'function' && fn.call(that, window) === false ) return that; } that.unlock(); if( that._minstate ) { dom.main[0].style.display = ''; dom.buttons[0].style.display = ''; dom.dialog[0].style.width = ''; } if( that._maxstate ) { _$html.removeclass('ui_lock_scroll'); dom.res[0].style.display = 'none'; } // 置空内容 wrap[0].classname = dom.wrap[0].style.csstext = ''; wrap[0].style.display = 'none'; dom.border.removeclass('ui_state_focus'); dom.title[0].innerhtml = ''; dom.content.html(''); dom.buttons[0].innerhtml = ''; if( lhgdialog.focus === that ) lhgdialog.focus = null; delete list[that.config.id]; that._removeevent(); that.hide(true)._setabsolute(); // 清空除this.dom之外临时对象,恢复到初始状态,以便使用单例模式 for( var i in that ) { if(that.hasownproperty(i) && i !== 'dom') delete that[i]; }; // 移除htmlelement或重用 _box ? wrap.remove() : _box = that; return that; }, /*! * 定时关闭 * @param {number} 单位为秒, 无参数则停止计时器 * @param {function} 关闭窗口前执行的回调函数 */ time: function( second, callback ) { var that = this, cancel = that.config.cancelval, timer = that._timer; timer && cleartimeout(timer); if( callback ) callback.call(that); if(second) { that._timer = settimeout(function(){ that._click(cancel); }, 1000 * second); } return that; }, /** * 刷新或跳转指定页面 * @param {object, 指定页面的window对象} * @param {string, 要跳转到的页面地址} */ reload: function( win, url ) { win = win || window; try{ win.location.href = url ? url : win.location.href; } catch(e){ // 跨域 url = this.iframe.src; $(this.iframe).attr('src', url); }; return this; }, /*! 置顶对话框 */ zindex: function() { var that = this, dom = that.dom, load = that._load, top = lhgdialog.focus, index = lhgdialog.setting.zindex++; // 设置叠加高度 dom.wrap[0].style.zindex = index; // 设置最高层的样式 top && top.dom.border.removeclass('ui_state_focus'); lhgdialog.focus = that; dom.border.addclass('ui_state_focus'); // 扩展窗口置顶功能,只用在iframe方式加载内容 // 或跨域加载内容页时点窗口内容主体部分置顶窗口 if( load && load.style.zindex ) load.style.display = 'none'; if( top && top !== that && top.iframe ) top._load.style.display = ''; return that; }, /*! 设置焦点 */ focus: function() { try{ elemfocus = this._focus && this._focus[0] || this.dom.close[0]; elemfocus && elemfocus.focus(); }catch(e){}; return this; }, /*! 锁屏 */ lock: function() { var that = this, frm, index = lhgdialog.setting.zindex - 1, config = that.config, mask = lhgdialog.lockmask, style = mask ? mask.style : '', positiontype = _ie6 ? 'absolute' : 'fixed'; if( !mask ) { frm = ''; mask = lhgdialog.lockmask = _doc.createelement('div'); mask.style.csstext = 'position:' + positiontype + ';left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;'; $(mask).css({ opacity:config.opacity, background:config.background }); style = mask.style; if( _ie6 ) mask.innerhtml = frm; _doc.body.appendchild( mask ); } if( positiontype === 'absolute' ) { style.width = _root.clientwidth + 'px'; style.height = _root.clientheight + 'px'; style.top = _root.scrolltop + 'px'; style.left = _root.scrollleft + 'px'; that._setfixed( mask ); } style.zindex = index; style.display = ''; that.zindex(); that.dom.border.addclass('ui_state_lock'); that._lock = true; return that; }, /*! 解除锁屏 */ unlock: function() { var that = this, config = that.config, mask = lhgdialog.lockmask; if( mask && that._lock ) { // 无限级锁屏 if( config.parent && config.parent._lock ) { var index = config.parent.dom.wrap[0].style.zindex; mask.style.zindex = parseint(index,10) - 1; } else mask.style.display = 'none'; that.dom.border.removeclass('ui_state_lock'); } return that; }, /*! 最大化窗口 */ max: function() { if( !this.config.max ) return this; var that = this, maxsize, dom = that.dom, wrapstyle = dom.wrap[0].style, mainstyle = dom.main[0].style, rbstyle = dom.rb[0].style, titlestyle = dom.title[0].style, config = that.config, top = _root.scrolltop, left = _root.scrollleft; if( !that._maxstate ) { _$html.addclass('ui_lock_scroll'); if( that._minstate ) that.min(); // 存储最大化窗口前的状态 that._or = { t: wrapstyle.top, l: wrapstyle.left, w: mainstyle.width, h: mainstyle.height, d: config.drag, r: config.resize, rc: rbstyle.cursor, tc: titlestyle.cursor }; wrapstyle.top = top + 'px'; wrapstyle.left = left + 'px'; maxsize = that._maxsize(); that.size( maxsize.w, maxsize.h )._setabsolute(); config.drag = false; config.resize = false; rbstyle.cursor = 'auto'; titlestyle.cursor = 'auto'; dom.max[0].style.display = 'none'; dom.res[0].style.display = 'inline-block'; that._maxstate = true; } else { _$html.removeclass('ui_lock_scroll'); wrapstyle.top = that._or.t; wrapstyle.left = that._or.l; that.size( that._or.w, that._or.h )._autopositiontype(); config.drag = that._or.d; config.resize = that._or.r; rbstyle.cursor = that._or.rc; titlestyle.cursor = that._or.tc; dom.res[0].style.display = 'none'; dom.max[0].style.display = 'inline-block'; delete that._or; that._maxstate = false; } return that; }, /*! 计算最大化窗口时窗口的尺寸 */ _maxsize: function() { var that = this, dom = that.dom, wrap = dom.wrap[0], main = dom.main[0], maxwidth, maxheight; maxwidth = _root.clientwidth - wrap.offsetwidth + main.offsetwidth; maxheight = _root.clientheight - wrap.offsetheight + main.offsetheight; return { w: maxwidth, h: maxheight }; }, /*! 最小化窗口 */ min: function() { if( !this.config.min ) return this; var that = this, dom = that.dom, main = dom.main[0].style, buttons = dom.buttons[0].style, dialog = dom.dialog[0].style, rb = dom.rb[0].style.cursor, resize = that.config.resize; if( !that._minstate ) { if( that._maxstate ) that.max(); that._minrz = {rzs:resize,btn:buttons.display}; main.display = 'none'; buttons.display = 'none'; dialog.width = main.width; rb.cursor = 'auto'; resize = false; that._minstate = true; } else { main.display = ''; buttons.display = that._minrz.btn; dialog.width = ''; resize = that._minrz; rb.cursor = that._minrz.rzs ? 'se-resize' : 'auto'; delete that._minrz; that._minstate = false; } that._ie6selectfix(); return that; }, /*! * 获取指定id的窗口对象或窗口中iframe加载的内容页的window对象 * @param {string} 指定的id * @param {string} 是否返回的为指定id的窗口对象 * 用数字1来表示真,如果不写或写其它为false * @return {object|null} */ get: function( id, object ) { if( lhgdialog.list[id] ) { if( object === 1 ) return lhgdialog.list[id]; else return lhgdialog.list[id].iwin || null; } return null; }, /*! * 设置iframe方式加载内容页 */ _iframe: function( url ) { var that = this, iframe, $iframe, iwin, $idoc, $ibody, iwidth, iheight, $content = that.dom.content, config = that.config, loading = that._load = $('.ui_loading',$content[0])[0], initcss = 'position:absolute;left:-9999em;border:none 0;background:transparent', loadcss = 'width:100%;height:100%;border:none 0;'; // 是否允许缓存. 默认true if( config.cache === false ) { var ts = (new date).gettime(), ret = url.replace(/([?&])_=[^&]*/, '$1_=' + ts ); url = ret + ((ret === url) ? (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + '_=' + ts : ''); } iframe = that.iframe = _doc.createelement('iframe'); iframe.name = config.id; iframe.style.csstext = initcss; iframe.setattribute('frameborder', 0, 0); $iframe = $(iframe); $content[0].appendchild( iframe ); // 延迟加载iframe的src属性,ie6下不延迟加载会出现加载进度条的bug that._frmtimer = settimeout(function(){ $iframe.attr('src', url); }, 1); // iframe中页面加载完成后执行的函数 var load = that._fmload = function() { $content.addclass('ui_state_full'); // 增强窗口置顶功能,iframe方式加载内容或跨域加载内容页时点窗口内容部分置顶窗口 // 通过使用重置loading层来优雅的完成此功能,在focus方法中有此功能的相关代码 var dom = that.dom, ltsize, lt = dom.lt[0].offsetheight, main = dom.main[0].style; loading.style.csstext = 'display:none;position:absolute;background:#fff;opacity:0;' + 'filter:alpha(opacity=0);z-index:1;width:' + main.width + ';height:' + main.height + ';'; // 此部分代码结束,在拖动改变大小的_dragevent.onmove方法中还有此功能的相关代码 try{ iwin = that.iwin = iframe.contentwindow; // 定义窗口对象iwin属性为内容页的window对象 $idoc = $(iwin.document); $ibody = $(iwin.document.body); }catch(e){// 跨域 iframe.style.csstext = loadcss; return; } // 获取iframe内部尺寸 iwidth = config.width === 'auto' ? $idoc.width() + (_ie6 ? 0 : parseint($ibody.css('marginleft'))) : config.width; iheight = config.height === 'auto' ? $idoc.height() : config.height; // 适应iframe尺寸 settimeout(function(){ iframe.style.csstext = loadcss; },0);// settimeout: 防止ie6~7对话框样式渲染异常 // 窗口最大化时这里不用再计算窗口的尺寸和位置了,如果再计算窗口会出现错位 if( !that._maxstate ) { that.size( iwidth, iheight ) .position( config.left, config.top ); } // 非跨域时还要对loading层重设大小,要不宽和度都为'auto' loading.style.width = main.width; loading.style.height = main.height; config.init && config.init.call( that, iwin, _top ); }; // 绑定iframe元素api属性为窗口自身对象,在内容页中此属性很重要 that.iframe.api = that; $iframe.bind( 'load', load ); }, /*! 获取窗口元素 */ _getdom: function() { var wrap = _doc.createelement('div'); wrap.style.csstext = 'position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'; wrap.innerhtml = lhgdialog.templates; _doc.body.appendchild(wrap); var name, i = 0, dom = { wrap: $(wrap) }, els = wrap.getelementsbytagname('*'), len = els.length; for( ; i < len; i ++ ) { name = els[i].classname.split('ui_')[1]; if(name) dom[name] = $(els[i]); }; return dom; }, _style: function( config, dom, isifr ) { var icon = config.icon; // 假如提示性图标为真默认不显示最小化和最大化按钮 if( icon && !isifr ) { config.min = false; config.max = false; dom.icon[0].style.display = ''; dom.icon_bg[0].src = config.path + 'skins/icons/' + icon; } else dom.icon[0].style.display = 'none'; dom.wrap[0].style.display = 'block'; dom.wrap.addclass( config.skin ); // 多皮肤共存 dom.rb[0].style.cursor = config.resize ? 'se-resize' : 'auto'; dom.title[0].style.cursor = config.drag ? 'move' : 'auto'; dom.max[0].style.display = config.max ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; dom.min[0].style.display = config.min ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; dom.close[0].style.display = config.cancel === false ? 'none' : 'inline-block'; //当cancel参数为false时隐藏关闭按钮 dom.content[0].style.padding = config.padding; }, /*! * px与%单位转换成数值 (百分比单位按照最大值换算) * 其他的单位返回原值 */ _tonumber: function( thisvalue, maxvalue ) { if( !thisvalue && thisvalue !== 0 || typeof thisvalue === 'number') return thisvalue; if( thisvalue.indexof('%') !== -1 ) thisvalue = parseint(maxvalue * thisvalue.split('%')[0] / 100); return thisvalue; }, /*! 让ie6 css支持png背景 */ _ie6pngfix: _ie6 ? function(){ var i = 0, elem, png, pngpath, runtimestyle, path = lhgdialog.setting.path + '/skins/', list = this.dom.wrap[0].getelementsbytagname('*'); for( ; i < list.length; i ++ ) { elem = list[i]; png = elem.currentstyle['png']; if( png ) { pngpath = path + png; runtimestyle = elem.runtimestyle; runtimestyle.backgroundimage = 'none'; runtimestyle.filter = "progid:dximagetransform.microsoft." + "alphaimageloader(src='" + pngpath + "',sizingmethod='scale')"; }; } } : _noop, /*! 强制覆盖ie6下拉控件 */ _ie6selectfix: _ie6 ? function(){ var $wrap = this.dom.wrap, wrap = $wrap[0], expando = _expando + 'iframemask', iframe = $wrap[expando], width = wrap.offsetwidth, height = wrap.offsetheight; width = width + 'px'; height = height + 'px'; if(iframe) { iframe.style.width = width; iframe.style.height = height; }else{ iframe = wrap.appendchild(_doc.createelement('iframe')); $wrap[expando] = iframe; iframe.src = 'about:blank'; iframe.style.csstext = 'position:absolute;z-index:-1;left:0;top:0;' + 'filter:alpha(opacity=0);width:' + width + ';height:' + height; } } : _noop, /*! 自动切换定位类型 */ _autopositiontype: function() { this[this.config.fixed ? '_setfixed' : '_setabsolute'](); }, /*! 设置静止定位 * ie6 fixed @see: http://www.planeart.cn/?p=877 */ _setfixed: function( el ) { var style = el ? el.style : this.dom.wrap[0].style; if( _ie6 ) { var sleft = _root.scrollleft, stop = _root.scrolltop, left = parseint(style.left) - sleft, top = parseint(style.top) - stop, txt = 'this.ownerdocument.documentelement'; this._setabsolute(); style.setexpression( 'left', txt + '.scrollleft +' + left ); style.setexpression( 'top', txt + '.scrolltop +' + top ); } else style.position = 'fixed'; }, /*! 设置绝对定位 */ _setabsolute: function() { var style = this.dom.wrap[0].style; if(_ie6) { style.removeexpression('left'); style.removeexpression('top'); } style.position = 'absolute'; }, /*! 按钮回调函数触发 */ _click: function( name ) { var that = this, fn = that._listeners[name] && that._listeners[name].callback; return typeof fn !== 'function' || fn.call(that, window) !== false ? that.close() : that; }, /*! 重置位置与尺寸 */ _reset: function( test ) { var newsize, that = this, tw = _root.clientwidth, tt = _root.clientheight, oldsize = that._winsize || tw * tt, oldwidth = that._lockdocw || tw, left = that._left, top = that._top; if(test) { //ie6下遮罩大小改变 if( that._lock && _ie6 ) $(lhgdialog.lockmask).css({ width:tw + 'px', height:tt + 'px' }); newwidth = that._lockdocw = tw; //ie6~7 window.onresize bug newsize = that._winsize = tw * tt; if( oldsize === newsize ) return; }; if( that._maxstate ) { var size = that._maxsize(); that.size( size.w, size.h ); } //ie6~8会出现最大化还原后窗口重新定位,锁定滚动条在ie下就会触发resize事件bug if( test && math.abs(oldwidth - newwidth) === 17 ) return; if( left || top ) that.position( left, top ); }, /*! 事件代理 */ _addevent: function() { var resizetimer, that = this, config = that.config, dom = that.dom; // 窗口调节事件 that._winresize = function() { resizetimer && cleartimeout(resizetimer); resizetimer = settimeout(function() { that._reset(_ie); }, 140); }; _$top.bind('resize', that._winresize); // 监听点击 dom.wrap.bind('click', function(event){ var target = event.target, callbackid; if( target.disabled ) return false; // ie bug if( target === dom.close[0] ) { that._click(config.cancelval); return false; } else if( target === dom.max[0] || target === dom.res[0] || target === dom.max_b[0] || target === dom.res_b[0] || target === dom.res_t[0] ) { that.max(); return false; } else if( target === dom.min[0] || target === dom.min_b[0] ) { that.min(); return false; } else { callbackid = target[_expando + 'callback']; callbackid && that._click(callbackid); } }).bind('mousedown',function(event){ that.zindex(); var target = event.target; if( config.drag !== false && target === dom.title[0] || config.resize !== false && target === dom.rb[0] ) { _use(event); return false; } }); // 双击标题栏最大化还窗口事件 if( config.max ) dom.title.bind('dblclick',function(){ that.max(); return false; }); }, /*! 卸载事件代理 */ _removeevent: function() { var that = this, dom = that.dom; dom.wrap.unbind(); dom.title.unbind(); _$top.unbind('resize', that._winresize); } }; lhgdialog.fn._init.prototype = lhgdialog.fn; /*! 使用jq方式调用窗口 */ $.fn.dialog = function() { var config = arguments; this.bind('click', function(){ lhgdialog.apply(this, config); return false; }); return this; }; /*! 此对象用来存储获得焦点的窗口对象实例 */ lhgdialog.focus = null; /*! 锁屏层和增强拖动层 */ lhgdialog.lockmask = null; lhgdialog.dragmask = null; /*! 存储窗口实例的对象列表 */ lhgdialog.list = {}; /*! * 全局快捷键 * 由于跨框架时事件是绑定到最顶层页面,所以当当前页面卸载时必须要除移此事件 * 所以必须unbind此事件绑定的函数,所以这里要给绑定的事件定义个函数 * 这样在当前页面卸载时就可以移此事件绑定的相应函数,不而不影响顶层页面此事件绑定的其它函数 */ onkeydown = function(event) { var target = event.target, api = lhgdialog.focus, keycode = event.keycode; if( !api || !api.config.esc ) return; keycode === 27 && api._click(api.config.cancelval); }; _$doc.bind('keydown',onkeydown); /*! * 框架页面卸载前关闭所有穿越的对话框 * 同时移除拖动层和遮罩层 */ _top != window && $(window).bind('unload',function() { var list = lhgdialog.list; for( var i in list ) { if(list[i]) list[i].close(); } _box && _box.dom.wrap.remove(); _link && $(_link).remove(); _$doc.unbind('keydown',onkeydown); // 删除数据共享存储的所有数据以释放内存 delete lhgdialog[_expando + '_data']; lhgdialog.lockmask && $(lhgdialog.lockmask).remove(); lhgdialog.dragmask && $(lhgdialog.dragmask).remove(); }); /** * 跨框架数据共享接口 * @see http://www.planeart.cn/?p=1554 * @param {string} 存储的数据名 * @param {any} 将要存储的任意数据(无此项则返回被查询的数据) */ lhgdialog[_expando + '_data'] = {}; lhgdialog.data = function( name, value ) { var cache = lhgdialog[_expando+'_data']; if( value !== undefined ) cache[name] = value; else return cache[name]; return cache; }; /** * 数据共享删除接口 * @param {string} 删除的数据名 */ lhgdialog.removedate = function( name ) { var cache = lhgdialog[_expando+'_data']; if( cache && cache[name] ) delete cache[name]; }; /*! * 页面dom加载完成执行的代码 */ $(function(){ // 不支持怪异模式,请用主流的xhtml1.0或者html5的doctype申明 if( _doc.compatmode === 'backcompat' ) { //alert( 'lhgdialog error: document.compatmode === "backcompat"' ); //return; } // 触发浏览器预先缓存背景图片 settimeout(function() { if(_count) return; lhgdialog({left:'-9999em',time:9,fixed:false,lock:false}); },150); _ie6 && (function(){ var bg = 'backgroundattachment'; if( _$html.css(bg) !== 'fixed' && $(_doc.body).css(bg) !== 'fixed' ) { _$html.css({ zoom: 1,// 避免偶尔出现body背景图片异常的情况 backgroundimage: 'url(about:blank)', backgroundattachment: 'fixed' }); } })(); // 增强lhgdialog拖拽体验(可选外置模块,如不需要可删除) // 防止鼠标落入iframe导致不流畅,对超大对话框拖动优化 lhgdialog.setting.extenddrag && (function(dragevent){ var mask = lhgdialog.dragmask = _doc.createelement('div'), style = mask.style, positiontype = _ie6 ? 'absolute' : 'fixed'; style.csstext = 'display:none;position:' + positiontype + ';left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;' + 'cursor:move;filter:alpha(opacity=0);opacity:0;background:#fff;pointer-events:none;'; _doc.body.appendchild(mask); dragevent._start = dragevent.start; dragevent._end = dragevent.end; dragevent.start = function() { var api = lhgdialog.focus, main = api.dom.main[0], iframe = api.iframe; dragevent._start.apply(this, arguments); style.display = 'block'; style.zindex = lhgdialog.setting.zindex + 3; if(positiontype === 'absolute') { style.width = '100%'; style.height = _root.clientheight + 'px'; style.left = _root.scrollleft + 'px'; style.top = _root.scrolltop + 'px'; }; if( iframe && main.offsetwidth * main.offsetheight > 307200 ) main.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }; dragevent.end = function() { var api = lhgdialog.focus; dragevent._end.apply(this, arguments); style.display = 'none'; if(api) api.dom.main[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; }; })(lhgdialog.dragevent); }); /*! *------------------------------------------------ * 对话框模块-拖拽支持(可选外置模块) *------------------------------------------------ */ var _use, _issetcapture = 'setcapture' in _root, _islosecapture = 'onlosecapture' in _root; lhgdialog.dragevent = { onstart: _noop, start: function(event) { var that = lhgdialog.dragevent; _$doc .bind( 'mousemove', that.move ) .bind( 'mouseup', that.end ); that._sclientx = event.clientx; that._sclienty = event.clienty; that.onstart( event.clientx, event.clienty ); return false; }, onmove: _noop, move: function(event) { var that = lhgdialog.dragevent; that.onmove( event.clientx - that._sclientx, event.clienty - that._sclienty ); return false; }, onend: _noop, end: function(event) { var that = lhgdialog.dragevent; _$doc .unbind('mousemove', that.move) .unbind('mouseup', that.end); that.onend( event.clientx, event.clienty ); return false; } }; _use = function(event) { var limit, startwidth, startheight, startleft, starttop, isresize, api = lhgdialog.focus, config = api.config, dom = api.dom, wrap = dom.wrap[0], title = dom.title, main = dom.main[0], _dragevent = lhgdialog.dragevent, // 清除文本选择 clsselect = 'getselection' in _top ? function(){ _top.getselection().removeallranges(); }:function(){ try{_doc.selection.empty();}catch(e){}; }; // 对话框准备拖动 _dragevent.onstart = function( x, y ) { if( isresize ) { startwidth = main.offsetwidth; startheight = main.offsetheight; } else { startleft = wrap.offsetleft; starttop = wrap.offsettop; }; _$doc.bind( 'dblclick', _dragevent.end ); !_ie6 && _islosecapture ? title.bind('losecapture',_dragevent.end ) : _$top.bind('blur',_dragevent.end); _issetcapture && title[0].setcapture(); dom.border.addclass('ui_state_drag'); api.focus(); }; // 对话框拖动进行中 _dragevent.onmove = function( x, y ) { if( isresize ) { var wrapstyle = wrap.style, style = main.style, width = x + startwidth, height = y + startheight; wrapstyle.width = 'auto'; config.width = style.width = math.max(0,width) + 'px'; wrapstyle.width = wrap.offsetwidth + 'px'; config.height = style.height = math.max(0,height) + 'px'; api._ie6selectfix(); // 使用loading层置顶窗口时窗口大小改变相应loading层大小也得改变 api._load && $(api._load).css({width:style.width, height:style.height}); } else { var style = wrap.style, left = x + startleft, top = y + starttop; config.left = math.max( limit.minx, math.min(limit.maxx,left) ); config.top = math.max( limit.miny, math.min(limit.maxy,top) ); style.left = config.left + 'px'; style.top = config.top + 'px'; } clsselect(); }; // 对话框拖动结束 _dragevent.onend = function( x, y ) { _$doc.unbind('dblclick',_dragevent.end); !_ie6 && _islosecapture ? title.unbind('losecapture',_dragevent.end) : _$top.unbind('blur',_dragevent.end); _issetcapture && title[0].releasecapture(); _ie6 && api._autopositiontype(); dom.border.removeclass('ui_state_drag'); }; isresize = event.target === dom.rb[0] ? true : false; limit = (function() { var fixed = wrap.style.position === 'fixed', ow = wrap.offsetwidth, // 向下拖动时不能将标题栏拖出可视区域 oh = title[0].offsetheight || 20, ww = _root.clientwidth, wh = _root.clientheight, dl = fixed ? 0 : _root.scrollleft, dt = fixed ? 0 : _root.scrolltop, // 坐标最大值限制(在可视区域内) maxx = ww - ow + dl; maxy = wh - oh + dt; return { minx: dl, miny: dt, maxx: maxx, maxy: maxy }; })(); _dragevent.start(event); }; lhgdialog.templates = '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '\xd7' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; /*! lhgdialog 的全局默认配置 */ lhgdialog.setting = { content: '
', title: '\u89c6\u7a97 ', // 标题,默认'视窗' button: null, // 自定义按钮 ok: null, // 确定按钮回调函数 cancel: null, // 取消按钮回调函数 init: null, // 对话框初始化后执行的函数 close: null, // 对话框关闭前执行的函数 okval: '\u786e\u5b9a', // 确定按钮文本,默认'确定' cancelval: '\u53d6\u6d88', // 取消按钮文本,默认'取消' skin: '', // 多皮肤共存预留接口 esc: true, // 是否支持esc键关闭 show: true, // 初始化后是否显示对话框 width: 'auto', // 内容宽度 height: 'auto', // 内容高度 icon: null, // 消息图标名称 path: _path, // lhgdialog路径 lock: false, // 是否锁屏 parent: null, // 打开子窗口的父窗口对象,主要用于多层锁屏窗口 background: '#dce2f1', // 遮罩颜色 opacity: .6, // 遮罩透明度 padding: '10px', // 内容与边界填充距离 fixed: false, // 是否静止定位 left: '50%', // x轴坐标 top: '38.2%', // y轴坐标 max: true, // 是否显示最大化按钮 min: true, // 是否显示最小化按钮 zindex: 1976, // 对话框叠加高度值(重要:此值不能超过浏览器最大限制) resize: true, // 是否允许用户调节尺寸 drag: true, // 是否允许用户拖动位置 cache: true, // 是否缓存窗口内容页 extenddrag: false // 增加lhgdialog拖拽体验 }; window.lhgdialog = $.dialog = lhgdialog; })( this.jquery||this.lhgcore, this ); /*! *------------------------------------------------ * 对话框其它功能扩展模块(可选外置模块) *------------------------------------------------ */ ;(function( $, lhgdialog, undefined ){ var _zindex = function() { return lhgdialog.setting.zindex; }; /** * 警告 * @param {string} 消息内容 */ lhgdialog.alert = function( content, callback, parent ) { return lhgdialog({ title: '警告', id: 'alert', zindex: _zindex(), icon: 'alert.gif', fixed: true, lock: true, content: content, ok: true, resize: false, close: callback, parent: parent || null }); }; /** * 确认 * @param {string} 消息内容 * @param {function} 确定按钮回调函数 * @param {function} 取消按钮回调函数 */ lhgdialog.confirm = function( content, yes, no, parent ) { return lhgdialog({ title: '确认', id: 'confirm.gif', zindex: _zindex(), icon: 'confirm.gif', fixed: true, lock: true, content: content, resize: false, parent: parent || null, ok: function(here){ return yes.call(this, here); }, cancel: function(here){ return no && no.call(this, here); } }); }; /** * 提问 * @param {string} 提问内容 * @param {function} 回调函数. 接收参数:输入值 * @param {string} 默认值 */ lhgdialog.prompt = function( content, yes, value, parent ) { value = value || ''; var input; return lhgdialog({ title: '提问', id: 'prompt', zindex: _zindex(), icon: 'prompt.gif', fixed: true, lock: true, parent: parent || null, content: [ '
', content, '
', '
', '', '
' ].join(''), init: function(){ input = this.dom.content[0].getelementsbytagname('input')[0]; input.select(); input.focus(); }, ok: function(here){ return yes && yes.call(this, input.value, here); }, cancel: true }); }; /** * 短暂提示 * @param {string} 提示内容 * @param {number} 显示时间 (默认1.5秒) * @param {string} 提示图标 (注意要加扩展名) * @param {function} 提示关闭时执行的回调函数 */ lhgdialog.tips = function( content, time, icon, callback ) { settimeout(function(){ var reicon = icon ? function(){ this.dom.icon_bg[0].src = this.config.path + 'skins/icons/' + icon; this.dom.icon[0].style.display = ''; if( callback ) this.config.close = callback; } : function(){ this.dom.icon[0].style.display = 'none'; }; return lhgdialog({ id: 'tips', zindex: _zindex(), title: false, cancel: false, fixed: true, lock: false, resize: false, close: callback }) .content(content) .time(time || 1.5, reicon); },10); }; })( this.jquery||this.lhgcore, this.lhgdialog );